Can’t tell you why, but this potato soup just DOES IT! We are all crazy about it. Creamy with no cream, warm and filling. A fall/winter favorite! No dairy and super easy ingredients! My 2nd oldest son makes this for us frequently. He’s a pro and when he gets that “potato soup” craving, we just leave it to him!

- 8-10 cups diced or shredded potatoes (I leave the skin on for extra fiber and minerals)
- ½-1 onion diced
- 2-4 TBL coconut oil or butter, your choice
- enough water to cover potatoes
- 1-2 Tablespoons sea salt (add more if needed)
- 3-6 cloves garlic, pressed
- 3-6 stalks celery, diced
- 3-6 small sweet potatoes cut into medium size chunks (you will remove these later and blend them and then pour back into the soup) Or sub in Carrots. .. .(more seems to be better than less)
- Put oil in a stock pot, then add onions, potato and water. Prepare the other veggies and add them as you go along. Cook on medium to low heat. Put celery and sweet potatoes on top.
- After veggies are all cut and in the pan, be sure you have enough water to cover all veggies. Continue to cook on low heat until everything is tender.
- Take sweet potatoes and most of the celery, along with some of the potatoes (3-4 cups worth) blend in a blender and then pour back into the soup.
- Hope you love it as much as we do!
- Use salt while cooking and then add more as you serve the soup.
- Enjoy! This soup seems “cheesy” but doesn’t have dairy in it.