Sweet Potato divine. A favorite from my childhood! I hope you give this lovely recipe a try. Sweet potato like you have never tasted before. Not too sweet with a crunch topping.

- 4 large sweet potatoes—boil until tender (whole, unpeeled), cool, skin, whip with an electric mixer or blender
- Add:
- 1 stick of butter
- 1 1/2 cups of unrefined sugar (Sucanat or honey)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 eggs
- Mix butter, sugar and eggs well. Mix with sweet potatoes
- NOTE: if you want to make this ahead of time – pour all of this into a cake pan and store in refrigerator, then add topping (below) when ready to bake
- Topping for sweet potatoes soufflé
- 1 stick butter
- 3 cups cornflakes (use a high fiber, natural brand) – place in bread bag & mash, place cornflakes in a bowl then add
- 1/2 cup Sucanat
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans
- Mix all, tossing with melted butter
- Put sweet potatoes in a cake pan, then sprinkle topping on top to cover entire dish. Bake uncovered 25 minutes at 350 degrees. If you want to make this ahead of time – keep the topping set aside in the fridge